Wednesday, 22 April 2009

When is it safe for infants to watch TV?

lil' princess baru 4 bulan..kadang2 dalam kesibukan saya hidang dia dengan tv..lepastu rasa bersalah..boleh ke?tak salah ke?ape effectnye?

google dan terjumpa macam2 pendapat..ada yang sokong,ada yang tak saya sokong yang tak sokong (cakap berbelit)..sebab kadang2 the negative opinion will turn to positive things..and yet..its the goes the opinions..ambik yang siap ade kajian,so takla membuta tuli kan..

The American Academy of Pediatrics say, "Pediatricians should urge parents to avoid television viewing for children under the age of 2 years. Although certain television programs may be promoted to this age group, research on early brain development shows that babies and toddlers have a critical need for direct interactions with parents and other significant caregivers (eg, child care providers) for healthy brain growth and the development of appropriate social, emotional, and cognitive skills. Therefore, exposing such young children to television programs should be discouraged."

ni ade pendapat dari sorg mommy..kagumnye..without tv,anak dia boleh menguasai 3 bahasa..

"I have a 22 month old and the TV is never on (we have one in the basement). We play and play! Before I was a mom I watched maybe one hour of TV a week, so my little guy was born into a house that doesn't watch TV!! He has never watched TV, he is very bright and speaks 3 languages. I speak to him in Spanish, his father in German and English is all around! He can identify anything in all three languages and understands that.Forget the TV and play, play, play with your child, talk and sing to them! It's way better than the TV.I believe that every mom is capable of making what she feels is the best decision for her child. IF i do turn on the TV for him it won't be until after he's two because there have been studies that link TV viewing with ADD"

tapi tepuk dada tanya diri sendirila ye..macam saya,saya rasa mendedahkan baby pada tv di awal usia memang tak bagus..cume bile terpaksa je buat.. (nak masak or nk toilet n kene khayalkan dia dgn bende lain)

tapi camane ye..ajak anak nyanyi elmo song same2 kt pc..hehehehe (macam gmbr kat atas)..salah tak?..hihihih


Mrs. Ishamizu said...

hehehe tq 4 sharing..xslh la nyanyi lagu elmo tu..;)

adui cmana nk apply yer..kte ni tiap2 hr tgk tv..maklumla housewife..:D tp bby ni xtgk tv lg sbb kecik lg br 2bulan...tataula mmg kagum la kt mommy yg ank dia pndi 3language tu! camana agknyer yer..?(wondering..)

dila~noor said...

kak izu ~ tula kn..cmne nk control jgn bg tgk tv kalau kite pun tgk tv..zahin kuat tgk tv tak?
mak bdk yg pndai 3 language tu mgkn takde keje lain kot..lyn anak je..hehe.
tapi salute la..
kalaula dapat lebih masa dgn zahra..bestnye..

baba said...

both opinion seem to have the "keyword" of "interaction"

Unknown said...

menariknye topik cik dila ni.

sy ni belum lagi berada dialam keibubapaan. jadi pengalaman xde nk cerite2. cume ilmu sikit2 je ade nk dikongsi.

senanye tahun2 pertama baby, diorang masih lagi 'belajar' menggunakan deria2 yg ada.

dan termasuklah penglihatan dan pendengaran. baby lagi cepat master pendengaran, dari penglihatan.

baby exited depan tv tu bukan sbb die nampak mcm ape yg kt nampak, tapi sbb bunyi2 yg keluar.

jadi baby tu bukan la tgk tv, tapi 'dengar' tv je. sebelum umur setahun, mata baby masih belum dapat melihat jelas mcm kt. masih blur, 2D, n x dapat tentukan jarak objek.

sebagai contoh, zahra yg 4 bulan ni, die baru je dapat mengenalpasti muke mak die ni. sebelum ni, die hanya dapat nampak outline muke je.

jadi tahun2 pertama ni, baby lebih perlukan penglihatan secara langsung, bukan dari tv la. sbb die nk belaja focus cahaya, nk ikot pergerakan, n nk cube tangkap objek tok tau jarak.

jadi, yg penting, baby yg cepat pandai tu, sbb utamanya ialah mak ayah diorang slalu bercakap dengan diorang, bersembang depan diorang, n berinteraksi dgn diorang secara langsung la.

p/s: jgn bg zahra tgk tv dekat2 ye :P

dila~noor said...

baba ~ yes,agreed...interaction is the most important learn from what they heard from the parents =)

ushop~huh..tq doc,1 pendapat yg sangat ditunggu2 dan sgt berguna =)
n zahra mmg tak dibeanrkan tgk tv terlampau dkt..tgk pc tu pun sbnrnye utk tujuan penggambaran blog..hihihi

Marsha~ said...

bagus sebenarnye tgk tv esp. learning channels.. byk boleh belajar. tapi jgnle asyik tgk cartoon nanti sampai besar jd habit.. qila tu tanak pulak tgk TV.. dia cepat bosan.. mcm mane ni?

dila~noor said...

marsha~bgsla qila tak teruja ngn tv..die bljr byk bnde lain secara alami gitu..antaranye main masak2 kan =)

Khairani Bahaudin said...

well dear, ada pendapat kata ok, ada kata tak. fo me yes and no. educational tv series ok. yang lain kartun bodoh2 tu tak payah la kot. Anak akak yg sulung dulu lambat sgt cakap coz of too much tv. At last akak tutup sebulan tak tgk2. byk improvement, he starts respons to me.. Sekarang dah ok. :)